Step 0: Where You Want To End Up.

What you see here is the final result where you will land after successfully reading this page - you could basically call yourself a JUNIOR PROMPT ENGINEER then. At that point, you brought your computer into a position where it answers every question and tackles every problem you could ever think of. Pro Tip #1: The interface you see here is called ChatGPT.

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Step 1: Prepare Yourself.

Alright, prepare yourself. Create an account at OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, by clicking the button below. You'll have to provide your e-mail address and your phone number.

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Step 2: Get Started And Learn.

That's it! Now it's your turn! After creating the account, you are ready to talk to your computer. You can simply type your question / your prompt in the field at the very bottom of the ChatGPT interface, hit enter and get your output. Your first prompt -> start with a simple prompt such as: "What's the deepest point on earth?" Your first output -> Cool, isn't it? Did you know the answer? If you don't like the answer, click "Regenerate Response" and use the thumb up/down to report feedback. Pro Tip #2: ChatGPT is called a conversational AI, which means that it takes reference of what you wrote earlier and pulls that context for their later answers - if you continue your conversation above with "who discovered that point?" it knows that with 'that point' you're referring to the previous conversation. Your next chat -> you can start different chats on the top left hand corner. Better answers -> you can have a seemingly natural conversation with your device like this. Typically, with more advanced prompts, it's good to think about what you want to achieve in advance. I'd recommend to add preferences to your prompt so that the answer fits the purpose of your request - e.g. "explain it to a child" or "answer in German". Limitations -> be aware that the answers are not always accurate or appropriate. Use it with "caution" and always question the received answers with a certain degree of critical thinking.

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Step 3: Get Inspired And Escape The Paradox Of Choice.

Now you will feel the reason why Ordinary People Prompts exists: The Paradox of Choice. What should you ask this thing if you can ask everything? While coming to that point was easy, actually using the AI feels like having a sledgehammer in search of nails. You feel that you have power and that there is more potential but you don't know how to leverage it. We've got you - the nails are here. Check out our directory and get inspired by all the other ordinary peoples' prompts - you can discover, vote, and discuss them. But most importantly, you reflect. You can use Ordinary People Prompts without creating an account and all for free. No strings attached.

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Step 4: Play Around and Optimize Your Prompts.

It's cool, isn't it? When I was in your position a few months ago, I was more than surprised. However, you will see that this thing has borders. Check out the free course on better prompts for better conversations and results at

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Step 5: Create Value For The Community By Contributing, Commenting, and Voting.

After some playing around and improving your prompting skills, you hopefully still remember where you were at the begin of your journey. Give back to the extraordinary community by filling the world's most ordinary AI prompt directory. You don't need an account to start creating and voting others' entries.

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Step 6: Be Ordinary.

Thanks for reading until here and for your extraordinary effort! Enjoy using Here's an AI-generated ordinary people meme as a reward.

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